

Rem funzioni logiche
vero And vero		TRUE  entrambe condizioni vere
vero OR vero		TRUE se almeno una condizione vera
vero NOT vero		TRUE se entrambe condizioni vere
vero Xor vero		TRUE se una vera e una falsa
vero EQV vero		TRUE se entrambe condizioni vere o false
vero IMP vero		FALSE solo se prima condizione vera e seconda falsa

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 10
y = 20
If verifica(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Public Function verifica(x As Integer, y As Integer)
If x > 0 And y > 0 Then
verifica = True
verifica = False
End If
End Function

Public Function verificaOR(x As Integer, y As Integer)
If x > 0 Or y > 0 Then
verificaOR = True
verificaOR = False
End If
End Function

Public Function verificaXOR(x As Integer, y As Integer)
If x > 0 And y > 0 Then
verificaXOR = False
If x < 0 And y < 0 Then
verificaXOR = False
verificaXOR = True
End If
End If
End Function

Public Function verificaEQV(x As Integer, y As Integer)
If x > 0 And y > 0 Then
verificaEQV = True
If x < 0 And y < 0 Then
verificaEQV = True
verificaEQV = False
End If
End If
End Function

Public Function verificaIMP(x As Integer, y As Integer)
If x > 0 And y > 0 Then
verificaIMP = True
If x < 0 And y < 0 Then
verificaIMP = True
If x < 0 And y > 0 Then
verificaIMP = True
If x > 0 And y < 0 Then
verificaIMP = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Function

Public Function verificaNOT(x As Integer, y As Integer)
If x > 0 And Not y < 0 Then
verificaNOT = True
verificaNOT = False
End If
End Function

Private Sub CommandButton10_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = 20
If verificaXOR(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton11_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 10
y = 20
If verificaEQV(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton12_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = -20
If verificaEQV(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton13_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = 20
If verificaEQV(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 10
y = 20
If verificaIMP(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton16_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = -20
If verificaIMP(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton17_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = 20
If verificaIMP(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 10
y = -20
If verificaIMP(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = 20
If verifica(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = 20
If verificaOR(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = -20
If verificaOR(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 10
y = 20
If verificaNOT(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = 20
If verificaNOT(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = 10
y = 20
If verificaXOR(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton9_Click()
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
x = -10
y = -20
If verificaXOR(x, y) Then
Lista.AddItem ("vero " & x * y)
Lista.AddItem ("falso " & x + y)
End If
End Sub
