(* SameQ[esp1,esp2] Vero se identiche o Falso *)
SameQ[a,a]    (* True  *)
SameQ[a,b]    (* False *)
a===a         (* True  *)
a===b         (* False *)
(* StringMatchQ["stringa1","stringa2"]
   vero se uguali o falso *)
StringMatchQ["asia","asia"]   (* True  *)
StringMatchQ["asia","africa"] (* False *)
(* StringQ[espressione] Vero se stringa o falso*)
StringQ["asia"]         (* True  *)
StringQ[asia]           (* False *)
(* SyntaxQ[stringa] Vero se stringa o falso *)
SyntaxQ["stringa esatta"] (* True  *)
SyntaxQ["string"] returns True if the string corresponds to syntactically

   correct input for a single Mathematica expression, and returns False
(* TrueQ[espressione] Vero se vera o falso *)
TrueQ[5x+7]            (* False *)
x=6;TrueQ[5x+7==37]    (* True  *)
(* UnsameQ[esp1,esp2] Vero se diverse o falso se
                      uguali *)
UnsameQ[5,7]           (* True  *)
5!=7                   (* True  *)
UnsameQ[5,5]           (* False *)
5!=5                   (* False *)
(* UpperCaseQ[stringa] Vero se maiuscole o falso *)
UpperCaseQ["ASIA"]     (* True  *)
UpperCaseQ["Asia"]     (* False *)
(* VectorQ[espressione] Vero se vettore o falso *)
VectorQ[{a,b,c}]       (* True  *)
VectorQ[a]             (* False *)
VectorQ[expr] gives True if expr is a list, none of whose elements are
   themselves lists, and gives False otherwise. VectorQ[expr, test] gives True
   only if test yields True when applied to each of the elements in expr.
torna a inizio